Whether you are a network member or Directly Regulated, Paraplanning Online offers the most intuitive and easy to use suitability report writing solution on the market. But don’t just take our word for it.....
 "I have found the PPOL software to be extremely easy to use! You can produce highly professional suitability reports specifically tailored to a client’s circumstances remarkably quickly. I would recommend this software to any IFA/Financial Planner looking to simplify the process of producing highly professional and compliant suitability reports."
Philip Edward, Member of Simply Biz
 "It is vital to Paradigm that we continue to ensure that our Partner Firms have access to the best, most advanced software available so any decision relating to our software partners is always the result of careful consideration. After studying the market closely and listening carefully to the direct feedback from our Partner Firms we felt that PPOL could provide a system that is not only efficient and simple to use but is also extremely cost effective"
Paul Hogarth, Senior Partner Paradigm Group
 "I have been using the PPOL software for a while now, and can say without a shadow of a doubt that it is the easiest suitability letter software that I have used. It produces bespoke reports that are very professional and hit every key area you can think of. Coupled with the fact that it also has a market outlook and a very comprehensive and up to date appendix section, I can say that this has definitely made my life easier. Reports take no time at all."
Paul Landa BSC DipFA, Paradigm
 "We have been using PPOL since April 2008. We have, over this period of time, developed a good working relationship and would have no hesitation in recommending their services to others. We have found that by using this service, we have standardised our Suitability Reports throughout our company, offering a consistent level of information and advice irrespective of who is writing the report. As this industry is forever changing and more and more demands are being placed upon us with regards to compliance matters and procedures to follow, the flexibility of this system allows us to make all relevant changes whenever needed."
Colin Last, Principal Tamar IFA Ltd - Member of TenetConnect Services
 "PPOL’s report writing tool is intuitive and simple to use, enabling advisers and paraplanners to create bespoke, professional reports in surprisingly little time. In my view, it also represents excellent value for money."
Paul Lothian Chartered & Certified Financial Planner, Verus Chartered Financial Planners - Member of LighthouseFSAS
 “We have no hesitation in recommending this software to our members”
Keeley Makin, Head of Technical Simply Biz
 ‘We’ve been using Paraplanning Online from its outset and can’t recommend it highly enough. Why rehash existing suitability letters with all the inherent risks when you can have access to this dynamic report writer. It’s configurable, idiot proof and constantly updated - say no more!’
Angus McKechnie, Principal McKechnie Byles & Dawes - Member of Sesame
 “PPOL is like a breath of fresh air when it comes to preparing compliant Suitability Reports. It is so easy to use and personalise to reflect my own style of working, and so much quicker than any other report writing programmes I have tried. Try it, I don’t think you will be disappointed”
Sue Richardson, Mint Wealth Management